總算把程式碼弄了一個段落,還是想要破解之前一直搞不懂的 threading 多線程物件到底要怎麼用,剛好看到 youtube 的教學 " 学会多线程 python threading教学 学习教程 "
其實有範例 Code 之後就懂很快,也可以把基本的 Thread 物件與 Lock物件兜出來,了卻一樁小小心願這樣XD
Code 如下:
其實有範例 Code 之後就懂很快,也可以把基本的 Thread 物件與 Lock物件兜出來,了卻一樁小小心願這樣XD
Code 如下:
import threading #導入 threading 模組 from multiprocessing import Queue #使用多核心的模組 Queue #定義第一個線程工作 #num是給 job1 吃的參數,q是 Queue物件,而 lock 是線程鎖。 def job1(num, q, lock): lock.acquire() #鎖上這個線程,在完成之前不讓其他線程對變數做干擾。 sum = 0 for i in range(num): sum += i q.put(sum) #把算出來的答案放入 Queue 中,後續再取出。 lock.release() #解鎖這個線程,開始其他線程。 #Thread 裡面的 function 不可以有 return, 不然會出錯。 #定義第二個線程工作 def job2(num, q, lock): lock.acquire() sum = 0 for i in range(num): sum += i**10 q.put(sum) lock.release() #定義主程式 def main(): lock = threading.Lock() #命名一個 Lock 物件 q = Queue() # 開一個 Queue 物件 t1 = threading.Thread(target=job1, args=(8,q,lock)) #打開一個名字叫 t1 的線程物件 #這個物件會去呼叫 job1 #同時t1導入 q 跟 lock 做現成控制 #為什麼要這樣做...我也不知道XD t2 = threading.Thread(target=job2, args=(8,q,lock)) t1.start() #啟動 t1 線程 t2.start() #啟動 t2 線程 t1.join() #在 t1線程結束前阻止程式繼續運行 t2.join() #在 t2線程結束前阻止程式繼續運行 #確認Queue是否為空,如果不是就用 q.get() 取出值 while not q.empty(): print(q.get()) print "END Section!" if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# 6/20更新: 另外列出在stackoverflow上面別人列出 multiprocess 跟 multithread 的優劣評比,參考一下。
- Separate memory space
- Code is usually straightforward
- Takes advantage of multiple CPUs & cores
- Avoids GIL limitations for cPython
- Eliminates most needs for synchronization primitives unless if you use shared memory (instead, it's more of a communication model for IPC)
- Child processes are interruptible/killable
- Python
module includes useful abstractions with an interface much likethreading.Thread
- A must with cPython for CPU-bound processing
- IPC a little more complicated with more overhead (communication model vs. shared memory/objects)
- Larger memory footprint
- Lightweight - low memory footprint
- Shared memory - makes access to state from another context easier
- Allows you to easily make responsive UIs
- cPython C extension modules that properly release the GIL will run in parallel
- Great option for I/O-bound applications
- cPython - subject to the GIL
- Not interruptible/killable
- If not following a command queue/message pump model (using the
module), then manual use of synchronization primitives become a necessity (decisions are needed for the granularity of locking) - Code is usually harder to understand and to get right - the potential for race conditions increases dramatically